Catch your luck in the online game Yahtzee (Yacht Dice Game)! Score points by rolling five dice to get the best combination. Learn the rules and strategy for scoring, then practice your skills with the computer whenever you want.
Welcome to Yahtzee (Yacht Dice Game) online – play for free and without registration, on PC and smartphone. Controlling the computer mouse, roll five dice and try to get the most favorable amount. You can roll the dice three times (and save the right ones by clicking on them).
How to play Yahtzee online
Traditionally 2 to 6 players participate, the online opponent in this version will be a computer, represented by three players. During 12 rounds, the opponents take turns rolling 5 dice. After each roll, the player must choose which numerical values to keep and which to discard, depending on which scoring category he plans to use.
It is allowed to reroll all or some of the dice, no more than three times per turn. The winner in poker on the dice is the player who has an automatic victory for the combination “Yacht” or who finished the game with the highest score.
Yacht Dice Game combinations
By numerical coincidence (“sixes”, “fives”, “fours”, “threes”, “twos”, “ones”) – the player is allowed to add the same numbers of the chosen category. For example, a roll of the dice: 3-3-3-2-2-5 counts as 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 points in “threes”, 2 points in “twos” or 5 in “fives”.
As in card poker, the combination on the dice of five consecutive values is called “Straight” and brings 30 points. The difference is that here a “straight” is a set of any five non-matching digits.
- Full house – 3 and 2 repeats, evaluated as the sum of all values.
- Yacht – (all five dice have the same number on them) brings 50 points.
- Kare is evaluated as the sum of four dice with the same value.
- Choice – the sum of the numerical values is calculated.
After each throw, analyze which numerical values are advantageous for making poker combinations and should be left, and which are better to throw again. Because after every third throw it is mandatory to choose the scoring category.
The main advantage of playing Yacht Dice online is in the clarity and convenience. You can imagine how the real game looks like, understand the strategy and immediately start playing on your own.
So, your career as a virtual player in Yahtzee is at the very beginning. It’s time to get started! And if you liked this free online game Yacht Dice, we recommend you to play Mafia Poker on the site OllGames, also for free and with pleasure. We wish you good luck!